Tuesday 26 October 2010

on yer bike....

What the app will look like on an iphone on a bike

On yer bike....

Ideas of how my app will look.

This is the first page of the programme with logo

You tap on the grey box and that will open your keypad

The directions will show up first, so you can read them before you start your journey

The over all map will show up so you get a rough idea where you are going

The map will zoom in, and then you start cycling, as you move so will the map. You can also plug in your ear phones and the directions will be said

On yer bike....

Map of Magherafelt

I have drove around Magherafelt and decided this is safe route, you bypass the busiest streets and the town centre!

Monday 25 October 2010

On yer bike....

Some logo design for my product. I have decided to call my product "Easy Bike", i am going to use these two words to create my logo!

on yer bike....

The cost of the iphone mount for a bike and where to get it at!


This item is available from amazon, retailing from £25.09 with free delivery!

on yer bike....

How to attach your iphone to your bike. For viewing your app!

on yer bike....

Here are some other cycle routes I found!





They aren't very easy to understand. I want my cycle route to be alot easier to view and follow!

Monday 18 October 2010

On yer bike....

I am going to make an iphone app for cyclists showing them cyclist routes. The maps on iphones are useless to a perso on foot, so would not be much better for a cyclist! 

I recently went on itunes and found an app for cyclists, but this app just records your journey, it doesn't actually show you were to go!

on yer bike....

I am choosing the brief On yer bike! 

For this I have been looking at road signs for cyclists and maps to get a cyclist route. There is no maps available with cyclist routes.

The only cyclist sign I could find was this one

Its not really for cyclists, its more to warn traffic of cyclists!!